Tuesday, September 4, 2012

God Knew I Needed This Today

I was reading of King Joash today in 2 Chronicles 24. (Ps. There is so much more to this story.. I am just going to sum it up and give the highlights. I really encourage you to read before this passage and after. It's realy quite interesting) I read about his rise to being king and his fall as king. He was raised by a priest and his wife and after the priest died, other princes came and through their influence, he turned away from God. I mean, this king had restored the house of God and now after his biggest influence, the priest, dies, he listens to these princes and abandons God. God sends prophets to try to bring him back to God, but he refused and didn't listen to them. Then God sent the priest's son Zechariah, and the king had him stoned. How sad is it that this man goes from following God to rejecting him in such a short time? Through this whole passage, God really brought to my attention the power of influence. I think it's so neat that as I am getting further into this journey, God shows me this. A reminder of how easily the wrong influences can take me away from God and how the right influences can draw me closer to God. I am also reminded of how easily I can influence my husband and my children. Seeing this passage encourages me to be a godly influence to my husband, my kids, and others around me. I remember back in Ladies Bible Study learning the power of influence through studying Eve. I know I mentioned Eve earlier, but she is such a great example of how much I can influence my husband. Am I influencing him in a godly way or am I influencing him in a negative way? Am I being influenced by godly people? I see how rapidly a person can go from glorifying God and following His leading to abandoning God. In abandoning God, I see how quickly a person can go from doing what they want which will eventually lead to their destruction. I don't want to be that person. There are many times when the easy thing for me to do is really what I want. And I have to admit that there are times that I do just that. I don't talk with God about it, I don't wait for confirmation and in the end I am just doing what I want and saying it is for God. There are times when I would rather let my frustration out on the kids instead of holding it together and showing them a loving, God honoring response. Am I showing Jesus to my husband? My kids? How much of an influence do I really have? Well.. I see that on the not so crabby days, things run smoothly. I am level headed, calm, and seem to handle major crisis like it was nothing. On the "You'd better watch out because I'm in no mood" days, it seems as though there is a never ending down spiral in our family until I stop and change my attitude. There are many days that I pray every couple minutes even seconds because it's just not a good day and the kids are non-stop fighting and it's raining and the dog got out again and.. and.. the list could go on and on. I can't say it's always me, but on the days it is, I know it is. So digging deeper.. who are some examples of negative influence? Well of course Eve. She chose to eat the apple even though she knew what God had said and then influenced Adam to eat it too. Painful childbirth (Grrr Eve!), work the land, kicked out of Eden. Sarah. She convinced her husband Abraham to marry Hagar and bear a child so that they could fulfill God's promise. Not such a great idea to take matters into your own hands, ever. Hagar bore a son and Sarah pretty much kicked them out. Eventually God did bless them with a child, Isaac. So who are some examples of good influences? First that comes to mind is Esther. Even though she was not allowed to come before the king without being summoned, she came on behalf of her people the Jews. In coming to the king not summoned, in the end she saved her people by pleading for her life and the lives of her people. She influenced her husband in a good way that kept the Jews from being completely obliterated. Ruth. I love the book of Ruth and Esther. Ruth came and laid at the feet of Boaz (through a serious of events). She came because he was her kinsman redeemer. She influenced him in a quiet gentle way by just being herself, and some help from Naomi, her mother in law. Boaz took notice of her and had heard of her coming with Naomi from Moab to care for her and follow Naomi's God. And through all the series of events, Boaz took her to be his wife. It's such a beautiful book, I know that I am not doing it justice, that or Esther. The power of influence is very great. Whether I am being a negative influence and bringing my husband and children away from God or whether I am being a positive influence and directing them to God, either way is very powerful. Sometimes it is a little overwhelming to think about really. How many times have I been a stumbling block? Influence. Definitely something to think more about. I am thankful for such an amazing reminder today! :) God definitely knew that I needed this today! :)      

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that's such a big responsibility isn't it? I enjoy reading your posts. My husband and I have started reading the book Sacred Parenting, and yesterday the part we read was talking about John Quincy Adams, and how his Mom influenced him to go overseas with his Father, even though neither she nor John really wanted him to go and she knew she wouldn't see him for months to years. It was through her encouragement and selflessness to let him go that he learned how to be a great diplomat and eventually became our President. It's really hard to be a Mom sometimes and put our feelings aside and have the right attitude.
